High-Tech Law

International High Tech Lawyers

Areas of Expertise

  • E-commerce
  • High Tech & Telecommunications
  • Video games, Apps & Social Networks

Sergio Antonio Muñoz Pérez

Senior Counsel

Area Manager

Our local coordinators work as a team on the issues that pertain to this area of ​​practice with the allied, associated or correspondent firm in their jurisdiction. This firm has specialists in this area of ​​practice who work in English, as well as in their local languages.

International High Tech Lawyers

Our formidable position in the legal market has allowed us to develop the means and resources necessary to protect our clients’ intellectual property rights.

We are aware of the importance of inventions, trademarks and projects in these business areas, as well as the complexity, diversity and speed in this business. As such, LUPICINIO acts strategically with a versatile, flexible and dynamic plan suited to each case in order to achieve the maximum performance and return from intellectual property, technology rights, e-commerce and data protection. We are also aware of the latest problems arising from private and professional use of the internet, and of the need for companies to adapt to the new information age.

Here in LUPICINIO we have created a multidisciplinary team of expert professionals with deep knowledge and understanding of these matters, and with proven experience in various sectors.

Through our personalized advisory and consulting services we can help you develop and protect your creations and innovative technologies, as well as developing your treatment of person data, turning the obligation to protect it into a competitive advantage.

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