Environmental lawyers

Especialistas en Normativa Medioambiental

Areas of Expertise

Advice on waste management and the treatment of harmful, dangerous and unsanitary substances
Criminal, administrative and civil liability in environmental issues
Drafting environmental impact reports
Drawing up legal texts
Environmental audits
Local environmental impact evaluations
Use and utility of public waters

Ignacio García Matos

Director of Mining and Environment

International Team

Our local coordinators work as a team on the issues that pertain to this area of ​​practice with the allied, associated or correspondent firm in their jurisdiction. This firm has specialists in this area of ​​practice who work in English, as well as in their local languages.

Environmental lawyers

AWe advise the Public Authorities (at national, regional and local levels) on the implementation and enforcement of environmental legislation, as well as on the development of legislation and programme documents.

We provide our clients with an extensive team of experts and specialists in environmental advice and consultancy which complements our proven experience in Public Law.

We bring together all areas of professional practice in order to provide optimal solutions, prevent risks and potential liabilities, and enhance initiatives for sustainable development and the protection of the environment.

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