Data Protection

Lawyers specialized in Data Protection for companies

Areas of Expertise

  • Advice on Spanish Data Protection Agency inspections
  • Contract modification to comply with data protection regulations
  • Data protection audits
  • Drawing up internal rules of conduct and companies’ privacy policies
  • Drawing up security documents
  • Implementation of data protection systems
  • Implementation of security protocols
  • International data transfers
  • Training on data protection issues

Sergio Antonio Muñoz Pérez


International Team

Our local coordinators work as a team on the issues that pertain to this area of ​​practice with the allied, associated or correspondent firm in their jurisdiction. This firm has specialists in this area of ​​practice who work in English, as well as in their local languages.


Multidisciplinary team with lawyers with expertise in Data Protection.

Implementing the proper data protection policies requires legal, technical and organizational skills.

As such, in LUPICINIO we have built a multidisciplinary team of experts who thoroughly control this subject matter, understand the operating procedures used by the Data Protection Agency, and have proven experience in numerous sectors.

Our advisory and consulting services are completely personalized to your needs and we can assist with the development of personal data processing, even turning the legal obligation to protect this data into a competitive advantage.

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