The Lawyering of the Future
The core of our service is the “success of the project” – be it litigation, arbitration, transaction or corporate consultancy or opinion. Success comes first and foremost from listening calmly and critically to the client’s arguments, expectations and uncertainties. This requires mature lawyers with independent judgement, “seekers of truth and prognosis”.
The CLUSTer model that we have developed – lawyers with no hierarchical or professional dependence, focused on the success of the project and not on the “interests of the Firm” – is adapted to and nourished by these values.
CLUSTer is a brand and a project focused on teams (and their projects), not on an Anglo-metropolis. Nor on the size of the subcontracted firms. CLUSTer is “Project centered”. The generator of the lawsuit or transaction will appoint, in agreement with any executive member of CLUSTer, the appropriate team forming the most competent team. The jurisdictions, disciplines or institutions concerned are taken into consideration. The relationship between the managing Firm and the professionals involved is a contractual relationship. There are no exclusivity or closed lists, the team is made up of excellent specialists based on stable relationships.