Our team

International Law Firm

Senior Counsel and Head of the Intellectual and Industrial Property Area

Data protection and Technology, Digital and New Technologies



Degree in Law from the Universidad de Alcalá. Studies completed at CEU Luis Vives. Course in Legal Practice at ICADE. Master's Degree in Business Law from the Universidad del País Vasco (EHU/UPV).


Passionate about technology, which has kept his professional career always linked to technology and law. He has carried out business consulting and project management activities with multidisciplinary teams, national and international, for clients in the public and private sectors. The last eleven years of his professional activity before joining Lupicinio International Law Firm were spent as a legal consultant and in-house lawyer for the Ibermática Group, a global IT services company, entirely Spanish, with more than 3,000 employees and operating in 10 countries. As a legal consultant he was part of the development and implementation team of the information system for the Justice Administration in the autonomous community of the Basque Country, as well as in the development and implementation of the information system for lawyers and solicitors also in the Basque Country. As an in-house lawyer, he worked in close collaboration with the internal teams of the different areas of activity of the business, as well as with the management of the company, and coordinated the activity with external legal advisors.

Specialized in digital law, in the drafting, review and negotiation of all types of contracts for the technology sector, in intellectual property, in public procurement, tenders and special procurement appeals, in data protection and privacy and in e-commerce.


Sergio has been certified as a Legal Project Practitioner by the International Institute of Legal Project Management (2022).


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