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International Law Firm





Degree in Law (University of the Basque Country). Master's Degree in Financial and Tax Law, National and International Taxation. Doctora utriusque iuris.


Ana specialises in pre-litigation and defence. She led the cases between SATA and BANKIA and RIOJANAS FARM SA and INDUSTRIAS QUÍMICAS IMPERIALES. He has extensive experience in Mergers and Acquisitions and Corporate Law. He has represented such prestigious companies as OPPENHEIM, UNILEVER, SHELL GROUP, BANKIA, ICI, ELECTRIC SPANISH RED, Kongsberg Gruppen, NEWELL CO, LAPORTE PLC and REPSOL, among others.

Throughout her 20 years at the firm Ana has been involved in numerous transactions and litigation advising companies from all sectors on complex tax and litigation matters. She has advised Oppenheim on corporate structure issues and on the establishment of branches for the purchase of properties in Spain. She has advised Unilever on the sale of its chemicals business to Imperial Chemical Industries. She has also advised a leading Spanish financial institution on the creation of a Joint Venture with one of the largest Spanish water supply companies to acquire a significant stake in one of the two cable TV operators in Madrid.


Ana Antuña is a frequent contributor with several magazines specializing in Tax and Real Estate Law.


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